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Reiki Healing


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle, safe, but powerful healing system used to treat many physical illnesses, injuries, ailments and emotional issues, trauma either past or present. It is an effective ancient Eastern treatment dating back thousands of years. Originated in Japan, and rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui , a Buddhist Monk. This holistic treatment uses life force energy of which we are all composed, connected, and surrounded by. This also includes animals and plants. In fact anything which is living is all vibrational, even our thoughts are energy as the great Albert Einstein recognised.

Quite often imbalances and blockages within this vibrational system can occur through emotional upset, stress, and anxiety, which can then manifest as disease.

As a trained and attuned healer, using the Usui method. I am able to channel and activate universal energy through my hands assisting the body to heal itself restoring any imbalances unblocking and releasing our energy to flow again naturally.

Reiki is both a preventative and effective healing treatment that is often complimentary to most conventional forms of medical treatment. 


What Reiki can do for you?


Alleviate pain and illness

Restore energy levels

Aid sleep and relaxation

Rebalance energy and chakra system

Accelerates the natural healing process and boosts the immune system

Increases vitality

Improves emotional wellbeing on all levels of the physical, emotional, and spiritual

The body will only take as much Reiki as needed to heal the individual being treated, and will continue working forty eight hours after treatment


What to expect during a Reiki treatment


You can expect a pleasant, relaxing, therapeutic experience within a warm calming atmosphere during you Reiki treatment. You remain fully clothed as I place my hands over and around your body at various points and positions in order to channel spiritual life force energy within the aura and vibrational energy field. As we are all unique individuals our experience of Reiki will vary from person to person. You may fall asleep during the treatment or experience warmth or slight tingling sensations within the body. Some people may experience seeing colours, again, everybody’s experience will differ. Whilst the treatment is taking place Reiki will be working to balance and realign the bodies’ chakra system. This consists of seven vibrational energy points that run through the centre of the body.

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