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Hypnotherapy what is it?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful & effective healing tool used to bring inner harmony, balance & tranquillity to both the physical & emotional self, promoting healing for illness, various ailments & many form of disorder, helping to conquer fears/ phobias, control and eliminate patterns of behaviour and addictions. I t is both a natural and very safe therapeutic process, and in most all cases complimentary to traditional medicine.


Myths and Misconceptions of Hypnosis

  Hypnosis is neither a strange or mystical process. In fact we all enter into a hypnotic state naturally around one hundred and twenty times on a daily basis. For example when engrossed in watching a film, or reading a book, just before waking or falling asleep, and even when driving. We often say, “I can’t remember when I got there”, yet we are in full control. Children are also in a hypnotic state whilst engaged in play. Another myth is that the hypnotherapist is able to control your mind. The only difference is the therapist acts as a facilitator with full cooperation of the patient.


What to expect from the first session

After taking initial brief history of the patient a process is used to induce consciousness. It is important to emphasise that we are not asleep during hypnosis, the subconscious mind enters into a trans-like state of altered awareness, in which the mind state is heightened and therefore more susceptible to receive positive suggestions.

I use a variation of techniques to suit the individual’s needs/ symptoms. These include…

Guided imagery




Affirmations- which are positive reinforcing statements, we tell the mind in order to change our perception, replacing old negative thoughts and behaviours with positives, to transform and change our life experience for the better.

How can it help you ?

Hypnotherapy is a complimentary treatment for the followings…


Stress managements and relaxation

Overcoming addictions

Stopping smoking

Fears and Phobias


Weight control

 Diet related Issues

Confidence building and self esteem

Goal setting

Physical Enhancement


Panic attacks

Pain control

And much more….


Who can be hypnotised?


Almost everyone is susceptible to Hypnosis. The depth of Hypnosis may vary or differ from person to person, however it can benefit all.

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